Testicular Cancer Specialist

San Diego Urology Associates
Urologists located in La Mesa, CA & Chula Vista, CA
As leading urologists in the San Diego area, our providers have extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of testicular cancer. We help men understand their treatment options so they can feel confident they’re receiving the most effective care based on their individual health needs. Book at Appointment today at San Diego Urology Associates.
Testicular Cancer Q & A
What are the symptoms of testicular cancer?
Testicular cancer can cause several symptoms depending on how far the cancer has progressed, including:
- a lump or mass in the testicle
- enlargement of the testicle
- achiness or pain in the testicle, scrotum, groin or belly
- sensations of heaviness in the scrotum
- pain in the lower back
- breast enlargement
In most cases, only one testicle will be affected. Testicular cancer is relatively uncommon, but in the U.S., it is the most common cancer in men between 15 and 35 years of age.
How is testicular cancer diagnosed?
Sometimes, diagnosis begins when a man finds a lump on his own or experiences pain or other symptoms. But often, cancer is diagnosed after a routine physical exam reveals a lump or other abnormality in the scrotum. If a lump or other symptoms are present, diagnostic imaging like ultrasound may be ordered to evaluate the testicle and blood tests may also be ordered to look for markers associated with cancer. If the lump is determined to be cancer, the testicle may need to be removed for further evaluation to determine the type and extent of the cancer and to prevent it from spreading in some cases.
What treatments are available for testicular cancer?
Testicular cancer is very treatable and there are several options available for treatment, depending on the stage of the cancer and other factors. Treatment options may include:
- surgical removal of the affected testicle, a procedure called radical inguinal orchiectomy; this procedure may be followed by placement of a testicular implant if you desire
- radiation or chemotherapy, or both, to target tissues and destroy cancer cells
Chemotherapy agents and radiation are associated with a high risk of infertility, so you may want to discuss your options prior to treatment.
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